Friday, September 24, 2010

Montage Project

             My project is a montage of Cristiano Ronaldo. Cristiano Ronaldo is one of my soccer idols so that’s why I decided to make a montage of him. This project has a picture of Cristiano Ronaldo in his Real Madrid uniform and in the background it was the Old Stanford Stadium.  I also put a picture of him of his old team Manchester United. I wanted to show both of his new team and his old team in one picture so I decided to incorporated both of them in one montage. With my idea of incorporating both of his team I decided to put half of his shirt with the real Madrid Team And the other half of his old team Manchester United. I think it came out pretty decent. I used a couple of effects like the opacity effect that makes the picture blur out, and also I used some shadow effects. In This Project i learned how to do effects like Hue/Suturation. I also Learned on the importance on the image resulution.

       I've used 7 images which all off them have a Layer Mask, A layer Mask Helps you hide all the things you dont want to have in the image. In my personal opinion i rather use the eraser tool to delete the unwanted stuff i dont want, but this project demanded you to hae Layermask in al images. if you ask yourself Whats the Story behind this montage? Well ill tell you, The story behind this montage is that it tells you how Cristiano Ronaldo Became a Soccer idol He was in the team Manchester United and then became the best player in the most wonderful team in the world Real Madrid and has played in the most wonderful stadium in the world the Old Stranfford. Hope you like my Montage





  2. In your Image I gave a 3 out of 5 because I thought it didn’t have a clear point it wasn’t telling a story either. It was simply a collage of the same guy you do in all your projects but you are not telling what he has achieve or who he is other than his name (Cristiano Ronaldo).Well the point I am trying to make is that this is not bad but it’s not original. I didn’t gave a 5 because you had a good quality image but it looks like some of it I was just stikers.Also I thought that some parts of your image weren’t putted were they supposed to be.
    This time you really improve your score I gave you a 5 out of 5 in Image Manipulation. I thought you did a good job using your tools appropriately for example the layer mask. I also like the way you blended a jersey on top of the other jersey even though they were different colors it didn’t look that bad. And you even used a little bit of Smudge tool. And I thought the transparency work well it gave it a good look.
    And you kept doing a good job this time I also gave you a 5. Because you did a good job putting the collage together. You adjust really well the colors in the text. And for a fact I know that you must of done a lot of resizing in order to do this collage and cropping to for example the uniform on the soccer player.
    You did an outstanding job in your reflection. You explain really well what you were trying to do and how you did it. The details you gave about it really made sense.

  3. ricardo is lame!
    los mios rifan mas xD
    bahahaha , ntq ! teeeadoro c: <3
